Donatello LaNinfa: 01/02/09 - 08/02/09

5 feb 2009

-- Annozero --

C'è un tipo che è la concreta raffigurazione della malvagità.

Lineamenti non regolari.
Occhi vacui e umidicci, da mucca, con ptosi palpebrale.
Ghigno maligno e dentini da piranha. Gialli e sottilmente appuntiti.
Movenze da gradassa impunità.

Ma 'st'avvocato, oltre che con Berlusconi, tromberà mai con qualche essere umano respirante (intendo: senza dover pagare)?

3 feb 2009

I bambini in Darfur muoiono di sete.

Probabilmente sperano che domani Povia.


2 feb 2009

-- come sentirsi male in poche semplici mosse --

Ieri sera ho cucinato la panna cotta.
Forse perchè preso dall'entusiasmo, forse perchè inesperto, o più probabilmente perchè non ho letto "ingredienti per 4 persone", ho preparato un po' troppa panna cotta.
E' uscito fuori uno splendido materassino bianco; delle dimensioni di un mattone.

L'ho mangiato tutto io.
La Signorina M. si è limitata a scuotere la testa per tutto il tempo.
Una cucchiaiata, uno scuotimento di testa.

Ora mi fa male la pancia.

Deve essere stato il filo di caramello che ci ho messo sopra.

Domani la rifaccio, con il cioccolato sopra.

1 feb 2009

-- Le verità non più nascoste --

Tratto da un'intervista a Noam Chomsky.

"What's happening in Gaza... begins with the Hamas election... Israel and the United States at once announced that they were going to punish the people of Palestine for voting the wrong way in a free election.
And the punishement has been severe.
The latest phase, began on June 24. It was when Israel abducted two Gaza CIVILIANS, a doctor and his brother...
They were taken to Israel, presumably, and nobody knows their fate.
The next day, something happened, which we do know about, a lot! Militants in Gaza, probably Islamic Jihad, abducted an Israeli SOLDIER across the border. and that' well known; first abduction is not.
Then followed the escalation of Israeli attacks on Gaza.
Hundreds of rockets have been fired, and naturally thats has to be stopped, BUT the rockets were fired after the heavy Israeli attacks against Lebanon...
As always, things have precedence, and you have to decide which was the inciticg event. In my view, the inciting event in the presente case, events are those that I mentioned, the constant intense repression; plenty of abductions; plenty of atrocities in Gaza; the steady takeover of the West Bank, which in effect, if it continues, is just the murder of a nation, the end of Palestine;
There are constant attacks going on in Gaza, which is basically a prison, huge prison, under constant attack all the time: economic strangulation, military attack, assassinations, and so on.
Olmert announced his annexation program, what's euphemistically called "convergence" and described here often as a "withdrawal", but in effect it's a formalization of the program of ANNEXING the valuable lands, most resources, including water, of the West Bank and cantonizing the rest and imprisoning it, since he also announced that Israel would take over the Jordan Valley.